QEGS Bursary Fund
Support a Made in QEGS Education
Here at QEGS we are proud of our tradition of offering means-tested bursaries to boys who we know will thrive.
"As someone who was only able to attend a school very similar to QEGS because I was awarded a 100% bursary, I know from personal experience how transformative an independent education like ours can be-it opened many doors and changed my life.
QEGS has been transforming the lives of bright local boys since 1591 and an investment in bursaries now will enable us to remain true to over 400 years of tradition.
Your support means everything to us and the boys and any gift, however large or small, can make a real difference.
If you are in a position to support these young people, give them the gift of education and make a real difference.
Thank You
Dr Richard Brookes, Head